"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Things have been pretty calm the past couple of days. Hudson has been resting and recovering from his infection since friday and since he is finally stable they have decided to not go back into the OR today. Mommy and Daddy are very happy with this decision. They have become more aggressive on his breathing treatments as well as the IV antibiotics and feeds. He is finally back to full feeds through his feeding tube and his labwork is gradually improving showing that the antibiotics are starting to work. All his cultures are final and the good news is that he does not have MRSA..he just has MSSA (staph infection). He looks a lot more comfortable today since his swelling has come down quite a bit and he continues to pee and poop!!! The next step is to have a cardiac catherization and another bronchoscopy thursday. His cardiothoracic surgeon feels that he may need something done to his left pulmonary artery...this artery is small and was originally wrapped around his trachea so they will possible put a stent in thursday if neccessary. The bronchoscopy will show us how things are healing in the trachea/airway and will help guide the surgeons and ICU team what their next step will be with the airway reconstruction...


  1. That is good news...thoughts & prayers still coming your way!!!

  2. This is AWESOME news! He is such a FIGHTER! You all continue to be in my prayers!

  3. Great news, Julie! I'm thinking of you guys constantly and I know you guys are such great parents to be able to go through this with your sweet boy! Thanks for the updates :)

  4. I'm glad things are starting to look a little better. xoxo

  5. Thinking of you all today...praying each and every day gets better as Hudson grows stronger.

  6. Only new parents can be glad when their baby poops!!!

    If they can invent a seedless watermelon, why can't they invent a poopless baby?
