"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 11

So far Hudson's second Saturday has gone well. He underwent surgery this morning and they successfully closed his chest with no complications. He is still sedated, but will open his eyes every once in a while just to see what's going on. The remainder of the day will hopefully be a day of peaceful rest for him while the medical team carefully adjusts his medications. They hope to pull some lines tomorrow as well as start back the feeding tube. Mommy and daddy hope to be able to start giving him a pacifier tomorrow as well. Sweet boy tries to suck with his lips and we so badly would like for him to be able to have a paci!! Dr. Forbess (the surgeon) feels that he will be on the ventilator for another week...but each day is another day closer!!! Hudson is doing soo good and we are so proud of him!


  1. Julie and Todd, I'm so glad to here Mr. Hudson is doing so well. I hope everything continues this way! I'm keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. I'll be in Arlington and Dallas this weekend, so I may give you a call and see about having lunch at Children's with you or something.

  2. WOW Julie keep the good news coming. Way to go Hudson you are an amazing little guy.
