"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13

Monday, May 10, 2010

13 Days Old

The past 24 hours we have made more progress. Last night around 6 pm Mr. Hudson got his feeding tube put back in and started feeding again...and despite all the days without food he is only down to 8 lbs 2 oz....so he has only lost a couple of ounces. He had a good night's sleep to prepare for is big morning today. Today he has already had all his chest tubes/drains and foley catheter removed so he should be much more comfortable. He was xrayed and later today will have a echocardiogram of his heart. They are starting him on methadone to try to gradually wean down his pain medication he has been on the past 13 days...woohoo! They have also cut his lasix (the diuretic) down to every 12 hours so hopefully his potassium levels will balance out...once he doesn't need potassium replacment he will hopefully get his central lines pulled (IV access). He still has a central line in place as well as 2 peripheral IV lines in place and remains on the ventilator, but will hopefully be taken off the ventilator towards the end of the week. Once he is off the ventilator he will get a nasal cannula (oxygen directly through the nose). Mommy lotioned him up nicely and he is currently peacefully resting! Sweet boy is still hanging tough! We are sooo very proud of him and are counting down the days until we can wrap our arms around his precious little body and give him unconditional mommy and daddy love!


  1. What wonderful news!!! Hudson is so strong! Can't wait to see the pictures of him in his Mommy & Daddy's arms!

  2. Thank you SO much for sharing Hudson and all his experiences with us! It's been such a blessing to watch as this wonderful miracle has unfolded. A lot of people are in love with him!

  3. Great news Jules......this whole process has been a miracle and I am so proud of his strength! Hope you are having a good day yourself :)

  4. This is great news!!! Everyday I continue to pray for this little guy. Bless his little body for all that he has accomplished. Thanks for all your postings & photos. Look forward to seeing him in your arms. Daddy too!!!

  5. I am praying along with so many others. Our God is awesome. Hudson is a beautiful baby boy who is blessed to have such wonderful parents and grandparents! Praise the Lord for such great victories.

  6. Julie I'm so glad to hear he is doing so well, what a tough little guy. My daughter and I pray for his strength and recovery every night :) Thank you for keeping us all updated. I hope you are doing well! Happy late first Mothers Day!
