"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13

Monday, May 17, 2010

It's Monday

This morning was a little hectic for Hudson. He started off the day a little upset and spitting up/choking quite a bit...which is no fun! His abdomen was xrayed to check the placement of his feeding tube and it had moved a little.. so that was repositioned and hopefully he won't be as uncomfortable! Also, he has been collecting a decent amount of fluid in his face and neck so they decided to order an ultrasound to rule out any obstruction/mass/congestion etc. Ultrasound came back negative for anything unexpected so that is good news!! The swelling should resolve with time... The plan is to go back into the OR sometime this week whenever the ENT physician/intensivist and cardiothoracic surgeon can all coordinate their schedules to try and extubate little guy and do another bronchoscopy as well... They are not sure how well he will do off the ventilator since he is still requiring quite a bit of support from the ventilator but the only way to find out is to try...so there is a big chance he will have to be reintubated. We are all optimistic and are praying that he will be strong enough to breath on his own with the help of either vapotherm or some other form of high flow oxygen. Mommy and Daddy are keeping our fingers crossed! We would love to pick our sweet boy up and just love on him!! Somedays are more frustrating than others but we are hanging in there!! We just want him to get better and be more comfortable and right now we are all just taking it one day at a time:)


  1. We are all pulling for Mr. Hudson. He's a tough little cookie! Just wait... next it will be The Hudson Chronicle Part II "How he got that Jelly Bean stuck up his nose"... we miss you Julie!

  2. sweet baby! We are praying for him and you guys.

  3. We are praying for you guys !!!!!!

  4. Mimi can't wait for the days of Jelly Beans and miniture GI Joes up the nose...Hudson is sweet baby who has had a rough start but I know God has it all under control...I just want to help him speed up the process...:)

  5. I can't wait for those days as well...although, after all the tubes he's had in his nose I am pretty sure he will go for the ear..

  6. I hope he doesn't stick anything up his nose or in his ear! ;-)
