"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Over the Hump

It finally happened!! Yesterday afternoon the ICU team decided Mr. Hudson looked good and pulled the ventilator. It was the best moment yet!! He handled it very well. He was a little frightened at first but when he realized the tube was no longer down his throat he started looking around and wiggling his arms..he attempted a cry but of course it was very faint and hoarse. Mommy and Daddy finally wrapped our arms around our sweet baby yesterday and only put him down when he needed xray or breathing treatments. He is now on vapotherm (warm humidified continuous oxygen through a nasal cannula) and they have already started weaning down the vapotherm today because he is doing so well! So far, so good! Hudson is so happy he has not wanted to sleep since being extubated so mommy and daddy are both pretty tired..he is ready to party!! This morning was wonderful!! Hudson was happy, smiling and making noise!! We haven't got to hear him make any noise since he was intubated at birth... so his cry's, cough's, sneeze's, coo's all have been the most wonderful sounds mommy and daddy have ever heard! He was seen by physical therapy today and did an excellent job of holding his head up...what a strong little guy!!! He also discovered his fist's and has been putting them in his mouth as well! The next steps are to wean him off the vapotherm, methadone and valium and get him feeding on his own. We will start working with speech therapy tomorrow to trial his swallowing ability and mommy and daddy plan on getting that feeding tube out by early next week...he already has the sucking down and we know he can do it!!! Such a little fighter!! What a wonderful way to spend his 6 week birthday!!! GO Hudson GO!!!!


  1. OH... this is AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME news. We were all standing around this morning just ooohhing and awwiing about the pictures. He is such a FIGHTER! You all look so wonderful and it is SO nice to see that Hudson has discovered how easily his fists will fit in his mouth! This is SO cool. I'm sure he can't wait to finally eat on his own. This is such wonderful news. We will continue to follow the blog. WAY TO GO TEAM HUDSON!

  2. Julie, just goosebumps to see you both holding Hudson... Go Hudson Go !

  3. Hallelujah!!! Tears filled my eyes as I read this! He is soooooooooo beautiful!!! I heard a song that reminded me of you. Check it out...its by Mark Shultz and it's called He's my son. If you like it and want music to your blog I can set it up and have that song as your theme song if you want, or I can tell you how to do it. Still praying, and can't wait til you can take him home where he's meant to be!!!

  4. oh its number 50 on my playlist on my blog if you wanna listen to it


  5. Way to go Hudson! What great pictures of his mommy and daddy! Praying for continued progress in the right step to start eating without that feeding tube! He's precious!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work!

  6. Rejoice!!!!!!! Rejoice!!!!! Rejoice!! Wonderful news! He is precious!

  7. So happy for all of you! Hudson is a cutie!!! 4th of July is just around the corner...bring out the red, white & blue... Hudson is a star!!!

  8. AHHH!! Wonderful news! Got tears in my eyes when I saw his sweet face- sometimes its hard for me to read, takes me back to Grayson's time- but today the Binford's are praising God for his wonderful work in Hudson! One step closer!!

  9. Oh Julie I am so excited to see you have Hudson in your arms! Such a beautiful Miracle before and after picture from Tuesday to Thursday. God is so Good! I am praying for you all! We love and Miss U at the Surgery Center! Rock on Hudson, Stay Strong! Love Lynette

  10. This is so great! I have chills just looking at those pictures. I'm so happy for you and Todd, and I know it's only uphill from here! Yay Hudson!!

  11. What wonderful pictures!! Can't wait to see you soon! Go Hudson go!!!!

  12. I am so happy that you're finally getting to hold your BEAUTIFUL baby boy!

    Nita Cobb
